Edible Weeds?

Did you know the following weeds make great salad additions?

Dandelion greens

Pepper grass, or Shepherd’s Purse, (early garden weed, has a pleasant peppery taste)

Sorrel or Sour Grass (common early weed with a sour taste , also great in soups & sauces)

Queen Ann’s Lace or Wild Carrot (has a pleasant carrot flavor - use flowers)

Chickweed (young stems are good fried in butter too!)

Lamb’s Quaters ( also good as a steamed side dish with butter, vinegar,or lemon juice drizzled over top!)

Chicory (also good steamed)

You can collect the seeds from Plantains and Lamb’s Quaters and sprout them yourself as you would alfalfa sprouts or use the dried seeds (lightly roasted) in muffins & breads.

These are just a few of the edible plants we curse as weeds. They are best when picked young & tender but be sure you have positive identification before eating them as there are poisonous weeds too, not many but a few!

Some edible weeds have 2-3 times the nutritional value of greens such as spinach or chard and some even taste just as good! But as with anything don’t over do it!

And hey! remember what they say....

"If you can’t beat’em...eat ‘em!"


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